11 Tips for UV-Sensitive Travel

Enjoy the Journey, Protect Your Skin

For many people, exploring the outdoors is a key component of travel. Whether hiking in the mountains, lounging on the beach, or taking in the sights of a new city on foot.

However, for those with UV sunlight sensitivity, spending time outside can be incredibly difficult and even harmful.

UV sensitivity of all sorts can add an extra layer of planning and preparation to travel, especially when traveling to destinations with different climates or cultures.

My Personal Kryptonite

Traveling can be a thrilling experience, but it can also be very challenging for me due to my unique, rare, and severe allergy to UV sunlight. 

This condition, which is a form of photosensitivity disorder, means that my skin is highly sensitive to UV radiation from the sun. This sensitivity can cause a wide range of uncomfortable symptoms, including rashes, itching, swelling, blisters, burns, and pain. Long exposure to UV radiation can even lead to more serious reactions, such as hemorrhages.

The sensation of sun exposure on my skin is extremely painful, almost like a magnifying glass focused directly on me. 

My allergy makes it difficult for me to enjoy many popular travel destinations. Beaches, national parks, outdoor festivals, and many other activities became almost mission impossible for me. 

I find that explaining my condition to others can be quite exhausting and time-consuming. To lighten the mood and make things easier, I often playfully refer to myself as a vampire

It’s a fun way to explain why I’m always seeking shade, and it usually gets a chuckle from those who might not fully understand the severity of my condition.

Despite my limitations, I try to maximize travel experiences. I refuse to let my condition hold me back from exploring the world and enjoying travel experiences!

Photo by Monstera on Pexels

Living with a UV sunlight allergy can be a significant challenge, but with careful planning, it is possible to travel safely and comfortably. 

The only time I can safely expose myself to sunlight is within that 8-minute time window, although even that can cause harm and pain to me.

Table of Contents

Sun damage

It takes approximately 8 minutes and 15 seconds for the sun’s rays to travel from the sun’s surface to the Earth’s surface.

The sun serves as a vital source of light, heat, and life and is essential for our health as it provides us with Vitamin D, which is necessary for strong bones and a healthy immune system.

However, excessive exposure to UV radiation from the sun can cause sunburns, premature aging of the skin, and even skin cancer.

Electromagnetic radiation emanating from the sun comprises different wavelengths, ranging from the longest to the shortest.

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation, characterized by wavelengths shorter than those visible to the human eye, represents one form of such radiation.

There exist three types of UV radiation, including UVA, UVB, and UVC.

  1. UVA radiation- which penetrates deeply into the skin, contributes to wrinkles and premature skin aging. Recent research reveals that UVA radiation may directly cause different types of skin cancer.
  2. UVB radiation- primarily causes skin burns and skin cancers. 
  3. UVC radiation- however, does not reach the earth’s surface but is absorbed and scattered by the atmosphere.
It is important to remember that even on cloudy or overcast days, UV rays can still penetrate the skin and cause damage.  It is essential to take protective measures whenever you are spending time outside.
Also, important to note that some medications can increase your skin’s sensitivity to the sun’s rays, including some antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and certain types of birth control pills. If you are taking any medications, it’s essential to talk to your doctor or pharmacist about the potential side effects and precautions you should take when exposed to sunlight.

Ways to Protect Your Skin

When it comes to protecting yourself from sun damage, it’s important to remember that combining multiple protective measures is key. Here are some steps you can take to minimize your risk:

1. Sun's Schedule

To minimize the risks associated with sun exposure, it is important to plan outdoor activities around the sun’s schedule.

When planning activities outdoors, it’s essential to keep in mind the timing and intensity of the sun’s radiation and heat. The peak hours for both radiation and heat are typically between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. during the day, so it’s best to avoid spending extended periods outdoors during these times. 

During these hours, it is recommended to avoid direct sunlight as much as possible.

Instead, scheduling activities in the early morning or late afternoon when the sun is less intense can be safer and more comfortable.

It’s also important to keep in mind the local climate and weather conditions. On particularly hot days, it may be best to avoid outdoor activities altogether. If you must be outdoors, at least limit it to cooler areas and seek shade whenever possible, and stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

A sundial can be used to determine the peak hours of UV sun rays.
Photo by Joel Zar on Pexels

Outdoor activities like hiking, swimming, or going to the beach should also be planned around the sun’s schedule. Avoiding these activities during peak hours when the UV index is high is best. 

The UV index is a measure of the strength of UV radiation from the sun, and it varies based on the time of day, location, and weather conditions. You can use a UV index app or website to check the UV index in your area. Our local UV index website in Israel, for example.

Several UV index apps are available worldwide. The best app for you may depend on your location, device, and personal preferences. 

Top-rated UV Index Apps:
  1. UV Lens -UV Index Forecasts– This app is available for Apple iOS and Android devices. It provides personalized UV forecasts based on skin type, location, and weather conditions. It also includes a sunscreen reminder, UV index maps, and a UV exposure tracker.

  2. UV Index Widget This app is available for Apple iOS. It offers a simple widget that displays the current UV index for your location and the expected UV index for the rest of the day. It also includes information about sun protection and skin cancer prevention.

  3. SunSmart– This app is available for Apple iOS and Android devices.  It is designed for Australian users and provides information about UV levels, sun protection, and skin cancer prevention. It includes a UV index tracker, sunscreen reminder, and other features to help you stay safe in the sun.

  4. UV Index-This app is available for Android devices. It offers a simple interface that displays your location’s current UV index and provides sun protection recommendations based on your skin type. It also includes a UV index map and a UV index forecast.

  5. UVIMate– This app is available for Apple iOS and Android devices. It provides personalized UV forecasts based on skin type, location, and weather conditions. It also includes a sunscreen tracker, UV index maps, and other features to help you protect your skin from sun damage.

  6. MyUV– This app is available for Apple iOS and Android devices. It provides personalized UV forecasts and skincare recommendations based on your location, skin type, and other factors. It also includes a UV index map, sunscreen reminder, and other features to help you stay safe in the sun.

These are just a few examples of the many UV index apps available worldwide. When choosing an app, it’s essential to consider factors such as your location, device compatibility, and desired features to find the best one for you.

Overall, by being mindful of the timing of the sun’s radiation and heat. It’s possible to enjoy outdoor activities safely and comfortably while minimizing the risk of harm or discomfort.

2. Shade

It is critical to protect oneself from the harmful effects of the sun’s UV rays when spending time outdoors, and seeking shade is an effective way to minimize UV radiation exposure. 

Trees are an excellent natural shade option, and it is recommended to search for areas with ample trees that offer adequate shade.

In cases where natural shade is not available, there are alternative options to consider. Such as seeking shelter under covered patios, gazebos, umbrellas, and outdoor tents or taking advantage of the shade provided by buildings. These structures can also help lower the temperature and create a comfortable environment.

If other options are unavailable, quick relief can be found. For example, while waiting for a green light at a crosswalk by standing in the shadows of traffic signs and poles or even discreetly positioning oneself behind a tall person without being conspicuous or following them around. Otherwise, it can get awkward and weird really fast, don’t ask how I know that. 

3. Sunglasses

Wearing sunglasses that provide full UV protection is essential to protect the eyes and the delicate skin around them from the harmful effects of the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays. Excessive exposure to UV radiation can cause several eye problems, including cataracts, macular degeneration, and photokeratitis (sunburn of the eyes).

Factors to consider when choosing sunglasses for UV protection:
  • Look for labels that specify UV protection– When purchasing sunglasses, check for labels or stickers indicating that they provide full UV protection. Sunglasses that block both UVA and UVB radiation are most effective.
  • Polarization– Polarized lenses can help reduce glare, which is particularly helpful when spending time on or near water, snow, or other reflective surfaces. However, polarization alone does not provide UV protection.
  • Lens color-The color of the lenses does not necessarily indicate UV protection. However, certain lens colors can enhance contrast and provide better visibility in specific environments.
  • Fit– Proper fit is crucial for sunglasses to provide optimal protection. Make sure the sunglasses fit snugly and cover the eyes and the delicate skin around them. Wrap-around styles are particularly effective at blocking UV radiation from the sides.

Wearing sunglasses with full UV protection not only protects the eyes and the skin around them but also helps prevent wrinkles and premature aging caused by UV radiation. Therefore, it is crucial to invest in a quality pair of sunglasses and wear them whenever spending time outdoors.

4. Sunscreen

Sunscreen is a product that helps protect the skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays. The active ingredients in sunscreen can vary depending on the type and brand, but they generally fall into two categories: physical blockers and chemical filters.

Physical blockers work by forming a physical barrier on the skin’s surface that reflects or scatters UV rays. Common physical blockers include titanium dioxide and zinc oxide.

Chemical filters, on the other hand, work by absorbing UV rays and converting them into heat. Some common chemical filters include avobenzone, octinoxate, and oxybenzone.

For people with UV sensitivity, it’s important to choose a sunscreen that has a high sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30 and contains physical blockers like titanium dioxide or zinc oxide. These ingredients are less likely to irritate sensitive skin and provide broad-spectrum protection against UVA and UVB rays.

How to apply

When applying sunscreen, it’s essential to use enough to cover all exposed skin and reapply every two hours or more frequently if swimming or sweating. Sunscreen should be applied at least 15 minutes before going outside to allow time for it to absorb into the skin.

The amount of time sunscreen protects your skin depends on the SPF (Sun Protection Factor) and the intensity of the UV radiation. SPF indicates the sunscreen’s ability to block UVB rays, which are the rays that cause sunburn and contribute to skin cancer.

Calculating Sunscreen Protection Time

To calculate how much time sunscreen is protecting your skin, you can use the following formula:

Protected time = SPF value x unprotected time

For example, if you normally get sunburned after 20 minutes of unprotected exposure and you apply an SPF 30 sunscreen, the calculation would be:

Protected time = 30 x 20 minutes = 600 minutes or 10 hours.

So, in this case, the sunscreen would protect your skin for about 10 hours before you would need to reapply it.

It’s important to note that this calculation is an estimate. Many factors can influence the effectiveness of the sunscreen, such as sweating, swimming, and clothing.

Therefore, it’s recommended to reapply sunscreen every two hours or immediately after swimming or sweating. Nevertheless, it’s best to seek shade during the hottest part of the day and to follow the instructions on the sunscreen packaging to be sure.

Sunscreen products cause cancer?

Sunscreen products should not contain ingredients that are known to be carcinogenic. In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates sunscreens and sets standards for the active ingredients that can be used. The FDA has a list of approved sunscreen active ingredients that have been deemed safe and effective for use in sunscreens.

However, it is important to note that some studies have raised concerns about certain sunscreen ingredients, particularly oxybenzone. Which has been shown to potentially disrupt hormonal function and cause allergic reactions in some individuals.

Despite this, the American Academy of Dermatology still recommends using sunscreens containing oxybenzone as it is one of the most effective ingredients for protecting against UV radiation.

To ensure safe use of sunscreen, look for products approved by regulatory agencies and that have undergone safety testing. You can also consult with a dermatologist or other healthcare provider to determine the best sunscreen options for your individual needs.

Overall, it’s essential to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays, especially if you have UV sensitivity. Choosing the right sunscreen and using it properly can help reduce the risk of skin damage and skin cancer.

5. Long Clothing

Regular clothing, such as long-sleeved shirts, pants, scarves, hats, and closed-toe shoes, can offer some protection against the sun’s harmful rays. By covering the skin, clothing creates a barrier that can reduce the amount of UV radiation that reaches the skin.

Wearing long-sleeved shirts and pants made of lightweight and breathable fabrics like cotton or linen can provide excellent protection against the sun. 

However, it’s important to note that clothes made of thin, light-colored fabrics may not be very effective at blocking UV rays. It’s best to wear white clothes as they will reflect the sunlight back, while black or dark clothes absorb the sun’s light more easily. 

Moreover, clothing can lose effectiveness over time, especially after exposure to sunlight, sweat, and frequent washing. 

  • A light scarf can be worn around the neck and face area to shield the skin from the sun’s rays. 
  • A broad-brimmed hat can help protect the face, ears, and neck from the sun. 
  • Additionally, Closed-toe shoes can also protect the feet from sun damage, especially when exposed for long periods.
A hand is covered with white fabric. Regular clothing may not always provide sufficient protection, especially during peak sunlight hours when UV radiation is strongest.
Photo by Marta Wave on Pexels

Notice– Regular clothing may not always provide sufficient protection, especially during peak sunlight hours when UV radiation is strongest. Therefore, it’s important to combine regular clothing with other protective measures. These may include applying sunscreen, seeking shade, and avoiding prolonged exposure to the sun during peak hours. Peak hours are usually between 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

By using a combination of these protective measures, you can minimize the risk of sun damage. Furthermore, You can also protect your skin from the harmful effects of UV radiation.

6. Anti-UV Clothing

While hats and long-sleeved shirts can offer additional protection against the sun’s harmful rays, regular clothing may not always provide adequate protection. Clothes can block some UV radiation but may not provide sufficient protection from prolonged outdoor exposure or heightened sensitivity to sunlight.

To provide optimal protection, specialized UV-blocking clothing is an excellent solution. Such clothing is designed to block or absorb UV radiation, ensuring it doesn’t penetrate the fabric to reach the skin. These clothes typically have a UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) rating that measures how much UV radiation passes through the fabric. The higher the UPF rating, the more effective the clothing is at blocking UV rays.

You can find various types of clothing with UPF ratings, including long-sleeved shirts, pants, scarves, gloves, hats, and hooded jackets. These garments are usually made of tightly woven fabrics or have special coatings that absorb or reflect UV radiation. Many brands offer UV-protective clothing that is stylish, lightweight, and breathable, making it a comfortable option for outdoor activities.

Individuals with heightened sensitivity to the sun or those who spend extended periods outdoors should consider investing in UV-protective clothing. This provides additional protection against UV radiation. Combining UV-blocking clothing with other protective measures like sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses can further enhance the effectiveness of sun protection. This minimizes the risk of sun damage.

7. Mary Poppins?

It looks like even Mary Poppins has upgraded her umbrella! Who needs a spoonful of sugar when you have a UV-protective umbrella to make the sunshine go down?

Using an anti-UV umbrella is an effective way to protect yourself from the sun’s rays, and it is my favorite way to go outside.

This not only reduces the need for multiple layers of clothing on a hot day. It also keeps you cool while you’re under the shade. Just a UV umbrella makes the sunshine go away in the most delightful way!

Choose a large, sturdy umbrella that can provide ample shade, and position it so that it blocks the sun’s rays from hitting your skin.

To ensure maximum protection, I recommend choosing a windproof umbrella with at least 8 to 10 ribs and double-layered fabric. It’s crucial to ensure that it has been tested with a UV light detector and has good results.

It’s also advisable to have a few extra umbrellas in case one breaks or is forgotten at home. Therefore, keeping an additional one in your car or at your parent’s house is a good idea to consider.

However, on windy days, carrying additional protective alternatives is a good idea because walking with an umbrella in strong winds can be challenging, causing it to flip inside out.

Above all, it’s essential to be mindful of your surroundings and avoid accidentally poking others in the eye while walking with your umbrella.

8. Night Owl

Often, when we think of going out and having fun, we tend to focus on daytime activities. However, there are plenty of exciting things to do during the night, evening, and afternoon that are often overlooked. For individuals who have sensitivity to UV, these activities can be a refreshing and safer alternative to indoor activities during the day. These activities can be just as enjoyable, if not more so, than daytime activities. These types of activities are especially great for couples or groups of people.

One of the benefits of nighttime activities is that they can create a more intimate and romantic atmosphere. 

For instance, going on a date at night can be incredibly romantic, with the stars above and the twinkling lights of the restaurant adding to the ambiance. This is an opportunity to have a more private and personal experience with your partner.

Enjoying the Charm of a City's Nightlife

Exploring a city in the late afternoon or early evening can also provide a different and fresh perspective than during the day. Taking a tuk-tuk tour or boat ride can give you a chance to see the city in a whole new light. You might be able to see beautiful sunsets or the city’s twinkling lights turning on. These types of tours often take less time than day tours, allowing you to fit more into your schedule.

Nature on a Nighttime Adventure

Nighttime activities can also be an exciting adventure for those visiting more remote locations. Going stargazing can provide an opportunity to see the sky in a way that is impossible during the day or in a city due to light pollution. Wildlife tours can also be fascinating, as many animals are more active at night.

Additionally,  building a campfire is a great way to bond with friends or family and create a cozy atmosphere while enjoying the outdoors.

In conclusion, while daytime activities are often seen as the go-to for fun and entertainment, there are plenty of enjoyable things to do during the night, evening, and afternoon.

Whether you’re looking for a romantic date or a unique way to explore a city, there are many opportunities to have fun during these times of the day.

Safety First

When engaging in any type of activity, it is crucial to prioritize safety. This is particularly true when participating in evening or nighttime activities, as these times of day can present unique challenges and risks. For example, exploring a city at night may mean encountering areas that are poorly lit or less populated, which can increase the risk of becoming a victim of crime. Additionally, going on a wildlife tour or camping in a remote area can carry its own set of risks, such as encountering dangerous animals or becoming lost.

Therefore, it is important to research the location and activity beforehand and take necessary precautions to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. It’s often safer to go to these places with a group of people rather than alone. It’s also a good idea to let someone know where you’re going and when you expect to return. Always have emergency contact information on hand and a means of communication, like a charged phone or a two-way radio.

By taking these precautions and being aware of your surroundings, you can minimize the risks and fully enjoy the experience.

9. During Drives

To minimize the risk of skin damage from UV rays while driving, you can take several precautions:

  1. Block out harmful rays by using window shades or curtains or sun visors in your vehicle. This is especially important during long drives when you are exposed to the sun for an extended period of time.
  2. An effective way is to install a UV-protective film on your car’s windows. This film can block up to 99% of UV rays from entering your car, offering an additional layer of protection for you and your passengers.
  3. Protect your hands from sun damage by wearing anti-UV gloves, especially if you spend a lot of time driving.
  4. To shield your face and eyes from the sun’s rays, you can wear a scarf and sunglasses.
  5. If you are a passenger, you can open the window slightly and thread a scarf or anti-UV garment through it, making sure it does not obstruct the driver’s view. Another option is to place a large sheet or a pillow, or any other object that fits into the window’s upper portion, although it may fall and need to be repositioned from time to time.
  6. Apply sunscreen to your face, ears, neck, and hands to decrease the absorption of sun rays into your skin.


By following these precautions, you can reduce your risk of developing skin damage, premature aging, sunburn, and skin cancer caused by exposure to UV rays.

10. Indoor Attractions

When it comes to planning your day, it’s important to take into account the weather and daylight hours. If it’s a particularly hot or sunny day, it might be a good idea to consider spending some time indoors to avoid overexposure to the sun.

Indoor attractions like museums, galleries, or theaters can be a great way to escape the heat and still have a fun and engaging experience. These attractions typically have air conditioning or climate control systems that make the indoor environment comfortable even during hot weather.

Moreover, visiting these attractions during peak sunlight hours has several advantages.

Firstly, the indoor areas are likely to be less crowded during these hours, so you can enjoy the exhibits without feeling rushed or jostled by other visitors.

Secondly, you can use the hottest and brightest part of the day to cool off and relax inside, which can help you avoid heat exhaustion or other heat-related illnesses.

Finally, exploring indoor attractions during peak sunlight hours allows you to plan your day more efficiently. You can spend the morning or evening hours outside, enjoying the cooler temperatures and natural light, while taking advantage of the middle of the day to explore indoor attractions.

Overall, considering indoor attractions during peak sunlight hours can help you beat the heat, avoid crowds, and make the most of your day.

11. The Floor Is Lava

Do you have fond memories of playing games as a child, such as pretending certain tiles on the floor were made of lava?     

I certainly do. I used to be so embarrassed whenever I went outside, covered in layers, especially during summer.

Around five years ago, I went on a date with an anti-UV umbrella. I’ll never forget how I felt when that guy said, “It’s so embarrassing to walk with you.”. I was already self-conscious, but his words made me feel even worse.

Not long after that, thankfully, I met Edgar, who surprisingly changed everything for me. Instead of feeling sorry for me or making fun of my condition, he turned it into a game. I remember one time when we were walking in the shade, and suddenly a small area was well-lit with sunshine. Without skipping a beat, he took my hand and said, “Let’s hurry, the floor is lava!” and we ran together to the other side of the shade.

It may seem like a small thing, but it meant so much to me that Edgar didn’t see my condition as a burden or something to be ashamed of. He made it fun and helped me embrace it in a way I never had before.

I’m eager to share Edgar’s wisdom with you, whether you have UV sensitivity or simply want to protect your skin from aging, there’s no reason why you can’t make a game out of it. After all, there’s no shame in protecting yourself, and why not have fun while doing it?

Edgar and Maayan are on a trip to Milan. Maayan is covered with a white scarf and holding an anti-UV umbrella due to her UV allergy.
Photo by Guides of Sights - Edgar and I in Milan.

To Summarize

For individuals with a UV sunlight allergy or sensitivity, it is still possible to enjoy traveling and exploring the world by taking certain precautions.

This can be achieved by researching destinations and activities beforehand to ensure that there are shaded areas, indoor options, or activities that can be done during non-peak sun hours. Doing so can help to avoid places that may have extreme sun exposure or high UV index levels.

Sun protection is also critical when planning outdoor activities. Packing appropriate clothing, such as long-sleeved shirts, pants, hats, and sunglasses, that provide protection from UV rays is essential.

Planning outdoor activities around the sun’s schedule, avoiding peak hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and staying in shaded areas are equally important.

Consider wearing clothes made of lightweight, breathable fabrics like cotton or linen, and seek out UPF-rated clothing or umbrellas for extra protection. 

When the natural shade is unavailable, covered patios, gazebos, umbrellas, or outdoor tents can be used. Applying sunscreen with an SPF, ideally above 30, and seeking out physical blockers like titanium dioxide or zinc oxide can also be helpful.

It is essential to remember that combining multiple protective measures is the best way to minimize the risk of sun damage.

Flexibility with travel plans is also crucial for those with UV sunlight sensitivity. Adjusting plans or canceling activities if they pose a risk of excessive sun exposure may be necessary.

It is vital to prioritize safety and health over the desire to explore and to communicate any concerns or needs with travel companions or tour operators.

In conclusion, with proper planning, sun protection, and flexibility, individuals with UV sunlight sensitivity can still enjoy all the wonders that the world has to offer.

Hi everyone!

We are the creators & authors behind this blog!

We love to travel as a couple, discover new food, and we would love to take you on our journey and guide you through the sights with detailed guides that will help you travel the world with ease. 

Suitable even for people with disabilities. 

We hope you’ll enjoy the ride 

Maayan & Edgar

“Let love be your guide as you explore the world hand in hand”

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